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Thought for the day - Jan 2023 Harbingers of Spring - Eranthis hy. ‘Flore Pleno’ - what a belter!


Eranthis hyemalis ‘Flore Pleno’
Eranthis hyemalis ‘Flore Pleno’

In recent years my love of Snowdrops has broadened into an appreciation (obsession) with other harbingers of spring including Eranthis, Hepatica, Leucojum, Hacquetia and others.

Eranthis (Winter Aconites) have been my main interest over the last couple of years as they repay quickly on investment and are robust as well as handsome. Last year I planted these Eranthis hyemalis 'Flore Pleno', a double form of the commonly grown species. What a cracker it is! I now have around 10 different varieties of Eranthis hyemalis and this one has quickly become a favourite. Flowers are bigger, fuller and arguably more resilient than the species. I love it!

My thought for the day, other than, 'I can't wait for theee to bulk up' is 'no matter the weather, the joy of an early bulb or tuber (Eranthis are tuberous perennials technically), brings sunlight, joy and warmth to even the fullest space'. I love the early part of the year as plants awaken and some of the choicest things in my garden delight.

We often forget about bulbs during the summer season, but at moments like this, make remembering them all the more magical.

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